
Burnout from work: How hybrid work can help

Maximilian Ningel

Many employees will be familiar with the feeling: overwhelmed by work, having a lot of stress in everyday life and asking themselves how they can manage their workload. When these phases pass, you usually have a bit more breathing space again and both stress levels and general well-being return to normal.

The situation is different when the stressful phases never seem to end, you constantly think about your workplace on weekends and on vacation and can no longer separate yourself from the idea of work even in your free time. The result: burnout due to work. According to the results of a Gallup study, 76% of all employees are affected by minor to severe symptoms of burnout over the course of their career. Learn how to recognize the signs of burnout in the workplace and how you can prevent burnout in the workplace.

Signs of workplace burnout

A man falling asleep in front of his laptop

By now, almost everyone can probably relate to the term burnout. Initially described as a fashion disease, awareness of stress-induced illnesses is now much more acute.

There are some signs of workplace burnout that those affected recognize early on in the course of the disease. As with all illnesses, it is extremely important to listen to the body's signals and take timely action. Some symptoms have already been addressed as an introduction, but the list goes on:

  1. sleep disorders and tiredness

  1. Powerlessness and listlessness

  1. Irritability and other personality changes

  1. Decreasing quality of work and fear of the workplace

If you notice several of these symptoms, it is high time to put on the brakes. Remember: Your own health comes first!

Employers are also required to look after your well-being and respect it. If you feel like you're burning out, you can always take a step back without fear of consequences under employment law.

In the next section, you will now find out which measures can help you to counteract the feeling of permanent overload.

Tips to avoid burnout due to work

A woman burying her face in her hands due to burnout

If you have the feeling that it is too much right now and that you are showing signs of burnout at work, you always have the opportunity to make adjustments yourself. This is often the first opportunity to influence your well-being.

Short breaks

  • Take breaks for 10-15 minutes regularly
  • Use relaxation exercises such as deep breathing

Sleep and sport

  • Maintain a regular sleep schedule
  • Integrate movement into everyday life, such as riding a bicycle or climbing stairs

time management

  • Organize your everyday life
  • Use technical tools to get an overview of upcoming tasks

Structured working day

  • Set clear limits
  • Learn to say “no” and try to avoid working overtime

Separating private and professional

  • Set clear availability times
  • Apps with a rest function can also help to reduce working time

Of course, a clarifying discussion with your employer also helps in many cases. People in management positions often do not notice how their own employees are doing. That's not pretty, but it's partly a reality. If your own efforts to avoid burnout are not working, try to persuade your boss to talk to you in a quiet moment. This can both make things easier for you and send a signal to supervisors to think fundamentally about certain processes within the company.

How hybrid work prevents burnout in the workplace

A possible solution to relax your own nerves can also be the implementation of hybrid work. This gives employees a lot of freedom, which tends to be less common in rigid working time models.

  • Employees can, for example, Decide for yourselfOn which days they would like to work from home in their home office or want to come to the office. In this way, stressful situations in the office and commutes for commuters can be avoided, which can lead to a demonstrably more relaxed working posture.

  • In addition, a lower Office attendance rate ensure that the noise level is reduced and that there is a more relaxed working atmosphere.

  • Hybrid working time models are often also part of New Work. A corporate culture that gives employees more freedom, breaks down traditional hierarchies and should give everyone a feeling of being able to address topics such as workload management and error management openly.

Flexopus — the solution for hybrid work

A woman standing on a beach with her arms raised to her side

In the dynamic world of New Work, Flexopus is a pioneer in desk sharing, a central element of flexible forms of work. Flexopus is much more than an app for sharing desks, meeting rooms and parking spaces; it promotes collaboration and creates an environment in which the workplace adapts to the needs of employees:

  • Equipment features

Find your perfectly tailored workplace: With self-configurable equipment such as double monitors or height-adjustable tables, you will always find your ideal workplace.

  • Live Plan

Where exactly am I sitting again today? Which colleagues are in which location and where can I ask my IT questions directly to the specialist staff? With the live plan, these questions are a thing of the past. Just click and off you go!

  • Mobile app

If your own bed was a bit too cuddly in the morning, you can book your ideal seat for the day directly via the practical smartphone app even before leaving the apartment. Stress-free arrival guaranteed!

  • Staff overview

Collaborative work is more in demand than ever in the modern working world. If you work in agile teams, you can book your ideal workplace directly with the colleagues with whom you work on your projects.

  • Mobile working

Is the office full or is everyday life catching up with you unexpectedly? Let your colleagues know that you are working from home today and book your mobile office at home with complete peace of mind.

This innovative tool shows how modern work principles can be implemented in practice and is therefore an indispensable tool for companies that want to assert themselves in the new world of work.


It is important to identify and counteract signs of burnout such as sleep disorders, tiredness, listlessness and fear of work at an early stage. Remember: Employers are required to protect the well-being of their employees!

To avoid burnout, it is important to take regular breaks, implement adequate sleep and exercise in your everyday life, establish good time management and observe a clear separation of work and private life.

If you integrate these points into your daily work routine, you can reduce your chances of developing a stress disorder and enjoy your work and everyday life more again!

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Markus Merkle
Sales manager
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