Guest booking & visitor management

Easily manage external visits in your flexible work environment using Flexopus guest booking. Employees who expect guests or external persons can book workstations, meeting rooms and parking spaces for third parties on their own and in a personalized way.

Arbeitsplatz Buchungssystem Flexopus
guest booking

Create a booking for guests

Reservations or bookings of workstations, meeting rooms and parking spaces for guests can be made by any employee. Guests will then receive a personalized email invitation with information about the booking time, property description and floor plan.


Create temporary user profiles

External employees such as freelancers who have been with the company for a longer period of time can receive a temporary user profile with an expiration date. With the temporary user profile, bookings can be made regularly during the validity period. Temporary user profiles can only be created by administrators.

Follow guests

Overview of guest bookings

In the admin area, all bookings can be viewed via the booking history. Guest bookings are specially marked so that administrators have an overview of the guest bookings made in Flexopus at any time.


Ad-hoc booking of rooms

Meeting rooms and telephone boxes can be booked on the display on site, even by guests. Room bookings are recorded in the system as long as there are no conflicts or other reservations. Learn more about our digital signage display solution and the Microsoft Exchange online connection.

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Markus Merkle
Sales manager

How does guest booking work?

All you need to book a guest in Flexopus is a name, email address and, optionally, the reason for the visit. Once this information has been entered, all you have to do is select the respective property and the external person will be notified of the booking by email.

Specific applications for booking guests are diverse. We have listed some of the most common use cases below. In principle, however, you can use the function in the same way as your internal company requirements require.

  • Workshops with customers:
    You would like to organize a workshop with customers in the office. By booking a guest, you reserve suitable objects for your customers and colleagues can see on the live map in which part of the office the workshop is taking place.
  • Applicants & trial work:
    In addition to customers, applicants are also frequent guests at the company. So that a workstation is also available for trial work, it can be reserved in advance.
  • Freelancer & andere externe Mitarbeitende
    In agilen Unternehmen kommt es häufig vor, dass Freelancer oder andere externe Mitarbeitende projektbezogen und zeitlich begrenzt im Unternehmen sind. Auch hier kann es notwendig sein, spezifische Arbeitsplätze via Gästebuchung zu reservieren.

Door signs for room occupancy

Connect meeting rooms and phone boxes with Flexopus digital door signs to see the occupancy status of the rooms at a glance and create on-site bookings in just a few seconds.

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Would you like to learn more about Flexopus, features and pricing, or schedule a demo call? We would be happy to advise you and find the perfect solution for you.