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Does working from home reduce career opportunities?
Remote Work

Gina Schumacher
Schedule a DemoThe world of work has changed drastically in recent years and work from home (WFH) and hybrid work models have become the new normal for many companies.
But these changes also raise new questions: Does working from home impair career opportunities? What impact does it have on promotions and professional development? In this article, based on a recent study, we look at the advantages and disadvantages of working from home and examine whether and how the new working conditions can have an impact on personal career and thus also on salary.
Study: Working from home reduces career opportunities?

Since the pandemic, hybrid working models and working from home proved to be very popular. On average, employees now work from home for around two days, in many cases even three or four days or even completely remotely.
A new study has now looked at the effects of a hybrid working model.
For the experiment, 1600 participants from the Chinese online travel agency were divided into two groups: One group had to go to the office five days a week, the other group was allowed to work from home for two days. According to the study authors, the framework and working conditions were similar to those in European companies.
The results show that in the group with hybrid work, the dismissal rates fell by a third and, in return, job satisfaction rose significantly. According to the study, employees without management responsibilities and commuters with long commutes benefited in particular from the mix of WFH and office.
In addition, the study found no significant differences in performance ratings, career opportunities, or promotion rates between groups. During the experiment, managers' view of productivity improved due to hybrid work.
The stigma of working from home
However, convincing management to implement hybrid working models is not always easy. Although working from home has seen a major upsurge in recent years, there are still some prejudices that accompany working from home. One of the biggest problems is the stigma that employees working from home are less productive or less engaged than their colleagues in the office.
A common argument against working from home is the lack of visibility, which could have a negative impact on career opportunities. Anyone who is not physically present in the office cannot make their achievements and contribution to teamwork visible, is often the argument. Networking can also be more difficult, as there is no spontaneous exchange with colleagues in the coffee kitchen or at meetings.
A critical voice that further reinforces the stigma of working from home comes from former Trigema boss Wolfgang Grupp, who said in 2023: “If someone can work at home, they don't matter.” This view may have been accepted in the past, but it is obviously long outdated in the modern world of work.
This is because the pandemic has shown that many jobs and tasks can be successfully completed from home without sacrificing productivity — this is also confirmed by the study mentioned above.
Arguments for working from home

There are numerous convincing arguments in favour of working from home. These benefits are of great value to both companies and employees.
Flexibility and work-life balance
An important advantage of hybrid work models is increased flexibility. Employees can better adapt their working hours to their personal needs and obligations. This means less stress from commuting and a better balance between work and private life.
Flexible working hours also make it possible to make optimal use of productive phases and at the same time have time for family, hobbies and relaxation. This balanced work-life balance leads to higher satisfaction and motivation — and thus reduces the risk of burnout and fluctuation in the company.
Increased productivity and efficiency
Many studies show that employees who work from home a few days a week are more productive and efficient. Without the distractions of everyday office life, they can concentrate better on their tasks. The opportunity to work in a self-designed and comfortable working environment also contributes to an increased productivity. With ergonomic equipment and digital tools, the home office is therefore just as effective, if not more effective than the traditional office.
Cost savings for companies and employees
Hybrid work also enables significant cost savings: If half of the workforce regularly works from home, companies can reduce their rental and operating costs as they require less office space.
Expenditure on utilities, office supplies and cleaning is also falling. And through the dematerialization companies can save further costs. By the way, the same applies to employees who have to spend less money on transportation, gas and workwear. These financial benefits make working from home an ideal solution for both employers and employees.
Strategies to improve career opportunities working from home
Even though working from home has many advantages, many fear disadvantages if they want to advance their own career. This is also accompanied by concerns that with less promotion, the salary will also stagnate. But don't worry, with a few targeted strategies, employees can improve career opportunities and strengthen their presence in the company even though they work from home.
The key to success working from home is to make yourself visible despite being physically absent. Therefore, use regular updates and reports to the team and your managers to share your progress and successes. Create weekly status reports or implement daily check-ins to ensure that your work is being noticed.
Virtual meetings are also an excellent opportunity to actively participate and be present. Show commitment by volunteering for projects and proactively contributing your ideas.
Networking is not only important in the physical world, but also digitally. Use platforms like LinkedIn to maintain contacts and make new connections. Comment on contributions from colleagues or experts from the industry. Attend webinars, virtual conferences, and online workshops to expand your expertise and expand your network.
Communication is essential. A balanced culture for hybrid work is crucial to be successful both in the office and in the home office. Desk sharing can be of great help here, because sharing workplaces gives you the opportunity to get in touch with various colleagues and establish personal relationships. This promotes the exchange of ideas and strengthens the team spirit. Take advantage of the flexibility that hybrid work gives you to combine the best of both worlds.
Flexopus as a solution for hybrid working models
With Flexopus, an app for companies to make flexible workplaces bookable, allows you to efficiently implement desk sharing and flexible workplace models and optimize utilization in the physical office. Fewer fixed workplaces mean less need for expensive desks, chairs, and other furnishings. Energy consumption in the office is also reduced, which further reduces operating costs and thus frees up budget for the really important things.
Flexopus' desk sharing software provides smart booking opportunities for desks, meeting rooms and parking spaces. It also offers a wide range of integrations with tools like Microsoft Office, Microsoft Teams, Webex, Google Workspace etc. With Smart Analytics you will also receive important information to avoid vacancies and ensure that the available spaces are used in the best possible way.
Conclusion: Working from home and career — not necessarily a contradiction
A new study shows that hybrid work improves employee retention and satisfaction without affecting productivity or career opportunities — underlining the importance of flexible working models in modern work environments.
Yet some employees are concerned about lack of visibility. If you want to advance your career even while working from home, simply increase your visibility by taking advantage of digital networking opportunities, sharing your work results transparently and regularly, and communicating effectively. In this way, you can create a balanced culture for hybrid work that does not affect your career opportunities and salary development. Stay present and successful in your company even from home!