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Disadvantages of Hybrid Working—Unveiling the Downsides

Gina Schumacher

Hybrid work is the new buzzword. Seemingly, it is a working model that cannot do wrong. Instead of working 9 to 5 in a cubicle, being stuck in traffic jams every morning and afternoon, wearing grey slacks and button-downs, one can simply stay in their sweatpants three or four days a week, working from home while keeping an eye on their dog.


What is not to love? The benefits are obvious.


Even so, after the initial boom that occurred during the pandemic years, some are starting to realise that there are certain disadvantages to hybrid working. So, what are they, and do they prevail when compared to all the advantages hybrid work brings to our lives?

A woman on a sofa with her laptop on her lap faces one of the challenges of hybrid working: Demotivation.

What are the Disadvantages of Hybrid Working? 

Gallup's research suggests that most workers prefer the hybrid model, despite all its disadvantages. Yet studies show that there are numerous hybrid work challenges that companies must face sooner or later. The nature of the challenges of hybrid working will primarily depend on the size of the company, as well as its sector and culture, but some difficulties are more common than others:

  • Inequality among workers.
  • High levels of stress.
  • Limited access to the company’s resources.
  • No awareness of company culture.

Let’s take more of an in-depth look into each and every one of these issues below. 

No. 1 Disadvantage of Hybrid Working: Inequality Between Workers

A study by the University of Konstanz about home offices and mobile working found that the average German worker would prefer to work three days a week from home and only two days in the traditional office. The same study indicates workers are longing for regulation of hybrid workplaces, as their employers fail to recognise hybrid work challenges and inequalities among workers.


In other words, while certain teams can work perfectly fine scattered all over Germany, others, due to the nature of their work, are forced to remain in the office five days a week. Current contracts and company policies fail to distinguish different needs, goals, and operating methods, thus leading to tension, and even animosity, among certain groups of workers.

No. 2 Disadvantage of Hybrid Working: Increased Levels of Stress

Gallup’s research from September 2023 concludes that hybrid workers are less likely to experience burnout in the workplace. However, the overall stress rates remain the same! How is that possible?


Considering face-to-face communication is reduced to the bare minimum, and there are no clear guidelines or expectations, workers spend more time than ever thinking about the impression they are going to make. Should I be online all the time? What if I don’t answer an email after 5 PM? Did my boss tell everyone I am having a day off? Did they read my message?


With the flexibility of the workplace comes flexibility in working hours and communication, which is not something that will suit everyone.

A woman laying on a sofa with her laptop on her lap looks stressed, which is one of the disadvantages of hybrid working.

No. 3 Disadvantage of Hybrid Working: Less Access to Resources

McKinsey Global Institute made a bold statement in their research: if you are a hybrid worker of a big company, you will likely have all the resources you need. If not, you will probably have to spend more time in the office than peers who work for bigger companies.


Among the disadvantages of hybrid working is the importance of different tools and platforms that can help workers complete tasks, communicate, and exchange files. The more people that work remotely, the higher the need for tools such as Flexopus, our exclusive desk-sharing software that helps with the management of flexible workplaces, meeting rooms, and parking spaces.

No. 4 Disadvantage of Hybrid Working: No Company Culture

Harvard Business Review conducted a poll on 1,100 participants that suggested the idea of “out of sight, out of mind” seems to be one of the biggest disadvantages of hybrid work model experiences. When colleagues are far away, the toxicity in the workplace blooms.


Here are some of the most interesting findings from the poll:

  • Hybrid workers are more likely to be left out of conversations.
  • Close to 50% of remote workers think colleagues in the office talk badly behind their backs.
  • More than 60% of remote workers think colleagues in the office may make changes to their projects without consultation.
  • Over 40% of them believe there is secret lobbying among workers who visit the office more frequently.

These are some of the hybrid work challenges that many employers fail to recognise, and they can lead to bigger problems further down the line if left untouched.

The Paradox for Women: Less Recognition and Development

There is one specific group of workers that experiences the disadvantages of the hybrid work model more than the others—women. Gallup’s research on hybrid working and women proved that for many of them, this model is more challenging than for men. We explain what was collected from that research below:

  • In 2019, only 40% of men believed their supervisors saw them as persons, compared to 51% of women. With hybrid work, the rates are rapidly dropping.
  • Before the pandemic, 33% of all employers were open to letting women work from home when needed. The same percentage of employers were not open to the idea.
  • Women believe their opportunities to learn and grow have been reduced in hybrid working models.
  • Women are less likely to go back to the office due to socio-economic factors, thus further limiting their opportunities.

What, in theory, should have led to the perfect work-life balance turned out to be a massive factor in promotions and the perception of women as workers. The disadvantages of hybrid working are more prominent among women than men. Still, there is hope. All the studies say that with a proactive approach, companies can thrive by implementing the hybrid working model. Essentially, with a little investment and effort, they can still achieve maximum results and make this model work for them.