
7 tips for successful digital onboarding

Gina Schumacher

Whether it's onboarding new employees, completing training courses, or handling projects - mobile working is now part of everyday life. Onboarding new remote employees who work from home, also known as digital onboarding, is becoming increasingly popular and is becoming indispensable, especially in the context of remote working. A successful and smooth onboarding process helps to ensure that new team members feel welcome and valued and are ready to give their best. But what characterizes a good digital onboarding process?

A man is working from home and is in the process of a digital onboarding.

What exactly is digital onboarding?

Digital onboarding is the process of integrating new team members into the company using digital tools and technologies. Online platforms, software and virtual communication channels can be used to automate the onboarding process and make it more efficient. Unlike traditional onboarding, digital onboarding involves tasks such as completing documents and collaborating with colleagues from any location.

Millennials and Gen Z have grown up in a digital environment and therefore expect the recruitment process to reflect this modern way of life. A highly digitalized onboarding process conveys the feeling right from the start that the company is future-oriented and knows what the employees want.

These 7 tips help with a digital onboarding process

The challenges of remote working require innovative approaches to ensure a seamless entry into the virtual working environment. In this context, we present seven valuable tips that can help you establish a smooth and positive digital onboarding process:

1. Use of an onboarding platform

To ensure a seamless digital onboarding process, it is important to use a comprehensive onboarding platform. Such platforms offer a range of tools and features that can help automate the process, such as document signing, e-learning modules, and interactive checklists. Such onboarding platforms are also be customizable to the specific needs of the company and its employees.

Video conferencing software such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Google Meet are particularly suitable for remote onboarding. Not only can the immediate supervisor welcome the new employees in person on their first day at work, but the entire team can also introduce themselves immediately. Video conferences bridge the physical distance virtually and make it possible to build cohesion and team spirit despite everything.

2. Draw up a clear roadmap

Digital onboarding can be overwhelming for new employees, especially if they are unfamiliar with the company's processes and procedures. A clear roadmap for the onboarding process can reduce this stress and ensure that new employees know what to expect.

The plan should explain the different phases of the onboarding process, including all deadlines and expectations for the new employee. It should also include information about the company's culture, values, and mission so that the new team member understands the overall goals of the company.

3. Mentors accompany the new employees from day one

A young black man is smiling at his laptop whilst working from home.

Having mentors available to support new employees is of great benefit. They serve as an advisor and resource for the new team members, offering support, guidance, advice, and insight into the company culture, processes, and expectations. This mentoring relationship fosters a sense of belonging, accelerates the learning curve and ensures a smoother induction for new employees.

4. Regular and transparent communication

One of the biggest challenges in digital onboarding is the lack of personal interaction. To overcome this, frequent and transparent communication with new employees throughout the onboarding process is essential.

This can be done through various channels, such as video conferencing, instant messaging, and email. Regular meetings with the new team members can help them feel supported and connected to the company, even if they are working remotely.

5. Offer virtual training courses

One of the benefits of remote onboarding is the ability to offer virtual training opportunities to new employees. This can include e-learning modules, webinars and online courses to help new employees develop the skills they need to succeed in their role.

Digital training is useful for several reasons: firstly, it offers flexibility as employees can access training materials and resources at their own pace, eliminating the need to schedule face-to-face training sessions. Secondly, virtual training can be easily updated and expanded to meet new and growing needs. Finally, online or digital training often offers interactive and engaging elements such as videos, quizzes, and simulations that can increase learning and improve knowledge transfer.

6. Promoting personal development

Once the company has found and brought on board excellent talent, training and personal development are key to retaining them. A comprehensive employee retention program is a must to reduce turnover. In addition, internal promotions make employees feel valued and show that they are an important part of the company's success. Development strategies should be tailored to the specific needs and desires of new team members, which can help them feel more engaged in their role.

A man is in a video conference call and is remote onboarding employees.

7. Obtain and optimize feedback

Finally, it is important to gather feedback from new employees throughout the onboarding process and use it to improve the process over time. This can be done through surveys, focus groups, or face-to-face meetings with the new employees.

By gathering feedback, organizations can identify areas where the onboarding process could be improved and make changes to ensure new employees have a better experience in the future. This can lead to an increase in engagement, productivity, and employee retention.


Digital onboarding can offer organizations many benefits, but it requires careful planning and execution to be successful. By utilizing a comprehensive onboarding platform, frequent and transparent communication, a clear roadmap, virtual training and education, and soliciting feedback, companies can ensure that new employees have a positive remote onboarding experience and are well-prepared for their new roles.

At Flexopus, we take personal development very seriously. All employees at Flexopus have a budget - in the form of time and money - per year that can and should be spent on further training. In addition, we organize internal training courses on current topics, hire coaches and attend trade fairs and specialist events.

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Markus Merkle
Sales manager
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