
Employee retention strategies: How companies can create stronger bonds with their employees

Gina Schumacher

In an era of hybrid work, employee retention is becoming increasingly important. The more connected employees feel to their company, the more willing they are to return to the office. This article highlights practical measures for employee retention, such as team days or management information events.

Why is employee retention important?

Employee loyalty is crucial for the success of a company. A strongly connected workforce is more motivated, more productive and contributes to a positive working atmosphere. At the same time, it reduces staff turnover, promotes innovation, improves the quality of work and strengthens customer relationships. Long-term employee retention also supports the achievement of corporate goals and contributes to a positive reputation as an employer. Overall, it is a key factor for the long-term stability and competitiveness of a company. We agree: employee retention is important!

However, a stable and loyal employee relationship with the company is also becoming increasingly important in hybrid work. The more connected employees feel to their company, the more willing they are to come back to the office more often.

Team days to strengthen the team

Team cohesion is a key aspect of a company's success. Personal contact promotes team dynamics, creates a sense of belonging and improves communication. Regular team days or other informal get-togethers, such as a chat at the coffee machine, play a central role here.

Why are team days important in a company?

A black man and an Asian woman are pulling on a rope as a team building activity.
  • Strengthening the team spirit: Team days promote cohesion and strengthen the sense of unity within the team. Through joint activities and challenges, team members develop a deeper connection with each other.
  • Improving communication: The informal nature of team days allows employees to communicate with each other in a relaxed environment. This improves communication within the team, as inhibitions are broken down and an open exchange is encouraged.
  • Increased motivation: Team days provide variety in everyday working life and help to increase employee motivation. Positive experiences and successes during the activities make employees feel valued and motivated.
  • Identification with the company: Shared experiences during team days encourage the workforce to identify with the company. This is crucial for the employees' sense of belonging and loyalty to the corporate culture.

How can team days be organized?

It is important to design the activities in such a way that they support the team goals and the desired team dynamic. A balanced mix of fun, challenges and opportunities for reflection can make the team day a positive and effective experience:

  • Milk & Honey: Starting the day off right with a breakfast together - that can be a good start to a team day. Ideally, the employer should provide breakfast.
  • Lunch & Learn: A team member gives a keynote speech on an exciting topic - the whole thing takes place voluntarily and during the lunch break. The meal is provided by the employer.
  • Retrospectives: A joint review of the last few days and the upcoming tasks combined with feedback provides an insight into the work of colleagues and strengthens team spirit.
  • Team-building games: Games that promote cooperation and communication can be a fun and effective way to strengthen the team.
  • Team outings: Joint outings, whether to a museum, attraction, or venue, provide a casual environment for team interaction.
  • Workshops and seminars: Workshops on topics such as team dynamics, communication, or problem solving can deepen understanding among team members.
  • Outdoor activities: Now and then, a team day outside the usual office walls makes sense.  Outdoor activities such as climbing, rafting or hiking offer an opportunity to overcome challenges together and develop team spirit.
  • Retreats: A team retreat at a remote location can be an intensive opportunity to focus on team goals and deepen relationships.

Management information event

Employees participate in a board FAQ as a employee retention strategy.

Regular management information events play a decisive role in increasing the motivation of the workforce.

Why are management information events important?

  • Transparency and communication: Info events offer the opportunity to provide transparent information about company goals, strategies and developments. This promotes a culture of open communication and ensures that employees are well-informed.
  • Connection between management and employees: Direct contact between management and employees creates a personal connection. This is important in order to promote a positive corporate culture and strengthen the trust of the workforce at the management level.
  • Understanding strategic decisions: Info sessions provide an opportunity to explain strategic decisions. This gives employees a better understanding of the background to changes or new guidelines.
  • Recognition and appreciation: The presence of management at such events shows appreciation for the contributions of employees. This can help to strengthen the feeling of recognition and increase job satisfaction.
  • Feedback and questions: The get-together following the information event allows employees to ask questions and give feedback. This creates an open feedback culture and shows that employees' opinions are valued.

What management information events are there?

There are different types of management info sessions that can vary depending on the company's goals and needs. Here are some common forms:

  • General Info Session: management updates employees on general company developments, goals, strategic directions, and successes.
  • Town hall meeting: A regular and open meeting where management talks about important topics and employees have the opportunity to ask questions.
  • Q&A session with management: An opportunity for employees to ask management questions and receive answers directly. The management can also obtain feedback, collect ideas, and offer employees a platform for their opinions.
  • Quarterly or annual review: A summary of business results, milestones, and challenges during a specific period.
  • Celebratory events: Information events to mark milestones, anniversaries, or special successes of the company.


Overall, team days and management information events promote cohesion and employee loyalty to the company. A stronger connection to the corporate culture and regular interaction with management creates a positive working atmosphere. At the same time, these events also create concrete reasons for employees to come into the office regularly, as they feel part of a supportive and committed community.

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